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丝网印刷机种类 首页 > 新闻中心 > 公告 > 丝网印刷机种类


作者: 博盛丝印机    发布时间: 2019-03-16    10034 次浏览


1. 平网平面丝网印刷:平网平面丝网印刷机是用平面丝网版在平面承印物上印刷的方法,印刷时,印版固定,刮墨版移动。

2. 平网曲面丝网印刷:平网曲面丝网印刷是平面丝网印版在曲面承印物(如球、圆柱、圆柱体等)上进行印刷的方法。印刷时,刮墨板固定,印版沿水平方向移动,承印物随印版转动。

3. 圆网丝网印刷:圆网丝网印刷是圆筒丝网版,圆筒内装有固定的刮墨板,圆筒印版与承印物同步作等线速移动的印刷方法。

4. 间接丝网印刷:前面3种方法都由印版直接对承印物进行印刷,但只能印一些规则的几何形体,如平面、圆柱面、圆锥面等,对于外形复杂、带棱角及凹陷面等异形物体,则必须用间接丝网印刷的方法来印,其工艺常由两个部分组成:平面丝网印刷和转印,即丝网印刷图像不直接印在承印物上,而先印在平面材料上,再用一定方法转印到承印物上。间接印刷的其中一种方法如,先用平面丝网印刷法在平面玻璃上印出图像,再用富有弹性的硅胶头,如同盖章似的从玻璃板上吸取油墨图像,然后移印到异形面上:间接丝网印刷的另一种类方法是花纸转印,如:丝网印刷花纸+热转印、丝网印刷花纸+压敏转印、丝网印刷花纸+溶剂活化转印。间接丝网印刷已成为印刷行业的主要领域。

Screen printing and printing machine varieties according to the format, the nature of the ink, and the type of substrates is divided into a lot of kinds, but in the way of printing can be divided into the following several.
Flat screen print screen printing: flat screen flat screen printing machine is to use graphic way of printing, silk screen version on planar substrates, printing, plate fixation, scraping version of the mobile.

2. The flat screen surface screen printing, screen printing flat screen surface is flat screen plate in curved substrates (e.g., ball, cylinder, cylinder, etc.) on the method of printing. Fixed when printing, scraping board, plate along the horizontal direction, substrates with plate rotation.

3. The cylinder screen printing: cylinder cylinder screen printing is silk screen version, cylinder fitted with fixed scraping board, drum plate and substrates for synchronization line speed mobile printing method.
Silk screen printing machine
Silk screen printing machine

4. Indirect silk screen printing: in front of the three methods are directly by the plate printing on substrates, but only some of the rules of geometric, such as plane, cylinder, cone surface, for complex shape, deformed objects, such as edges and concave surface must use indirect silk screen printing method to print, the process often consists of two parts: flat screen printing and transfer printing, the screen printing image is printed directly on the substrates, and jump on the flat material, then use a certain method of transfer printing on substrates. Indirect printing as one of the methods, with flat screen printing method first printed image on the flat glass, with a flexible silicone head, like a sealed ink image from the glass, then pad printing to the special-shaped surface: indirect screen printing another kind of method is wire transfer printing, such as: silk screen printing, hot stamping, silk screen printing color paper and paper flowers pressure-sensitive transfer printing, silk screen printing color paper + solvent activation transfer printing. Indirect screen printing has become a main area of the printing industry.


联系电话:13958870987 公司地址:中国 浙江 瑞安市 南滨街道阁巷一村工业区 Copyright@2016  瑞安市博盛丝网印刷机械厂  

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