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作者: 博盛丝印机    发布时间: 2019-03-16    37464 次浏览

1) flat screen printing machine. Using flat screen version of the printing on flat substrates, are generally scraping plate pressure plate horizontally, by plate and replace the substrates.

(2) the surface screen printing press. Using flat version silk screen printing on circular surface substrates, general fixed scraping plate, plate horizontally, substrates with plate linear speed rotation, etc.

(3) rotary screen printing machine. Use the cylinder screen version, tube inside
Silk screen printing machine
Silk screen printing machine
With wedge scraping board or scraping the ink roller, plate rotation and substrates to move at the same speed.

(4) static screen printer. Of stainless steel wire mesh, with good electrical conductivity between the positive and negative electrode plates driven by electrostatic powder ink through the hole part attached to a printing surface, is without printing. The shape of the machine in different substrates varies, but generally include substrates input parts, printing, printing ink fixation drying part and substrates collection part. Part printed by silk screen printing blocks, plates, high voltage generator.

5. 静电丝网印刷:静电丝网印刷是利用静电引力使油墨从丝网印刷版面转移至承印面得方法,这是一种非接触式的印刷法,是用导电的金属丝网做印版,与高压电源正*相接;负*是与印版相平行的金属板;承印物介于两级之间。印刷时,印版上的墨粉穿过网孔时带正电荷,并受负电荷的吸引,散落到承印面上,再用加热等方法定影形成印迹。此法现主要用于高温承印物上,如出炉钢板等的印刷。
Static 5. Electrostatic screen printing: silk screen printing is using electrostatic forces to make transfer in screen printing ink to printing surface method, this method is a kind of non-contact printing, is made of conductive wire mesh plate, and the positive phase high voltage power supply; The cathode is in parallel with the plate of metal plate; Substrates between two levels. Printing, plate the toner through the mesh on the positively charged, and subject to attract negative charges, scattered to the printing surface, reoccupy heating methods such as imprinting fixing formation. This method is mainly used for high temperature on substrates, such as from steel plate printing.

Fold the fourth generation
(1) manual type screen printer. Generally by the hinged support, printing and silk screen version of all the action by manual operation. There is a the same hand more motivation, bedplate and screen box are all on a fixed axis, bedplate (or net frame) can rotate around the axis, convenient for multi-color overprint, known as the rotary multicolor manual screen printing press.

②半自动丝网印刷机。印刷时的各种动作实现部分自动,其余仍为手动的丝网印刷机。一般称刮墨、 匀墨和丝网版框自动的为 1/4 自动丝网印刷机,称刮墨、匀墨、丝网版框和承印物吸附都自动的为 1/2自动丝网印刷机。此外,承印物送入也能自动的为 3/4自动丝网印刷机。
(2) the semi-automatic screen printer. The various actions to realize automatic part when printing, the rest is still the manual screen printing press. General said scraping, distributing and automatic screen space for a quarter of the automatic screen printing machine, scraping, distributing, silk screen space and substrates adsorption is automatically for 1/2 automatic screen printing machine. In addition, the substrates into can also automatically for 3/4 automatic screen printing machine.

③自动丝网印刷机。是在 3/4自动丝网印刷机的前后分别加上自动印件升降、输送、烘干和收件堆集机构, 印刷速度比半自动机明显提高, 可达1500印/时以上。
(3) automatic screen printing machine. Is in 3/4 respectively before and after automatic screen printing machine and automatic calendar lift, conveying, drying and receipt piled up institutions, printing speed than half automata, can reach more than 1500 printed /.

④丝网印刷联动机。由几组印刷、烘干装置及烫金、压痕、敷膜、模切等装置串联而成。承印物以卷筒式连续给料,有自动放卷、自动收卷和定位控制机构,可以保证速度稳定、 套印准确、 张力一致。整机可用计算机控制。它是印刷多色印品效率高、功能全的丝网印刷机型。

(4) screen printing interlocking machine. By several groups of printing and drying device and hot stamping film, die-cutting, indentation, apply such devices in series. Substrates with mandrel continuous feeding, automatic paper, automatic winding and positioning control, can guarantee the stability of the speed, overprint accurate, consistent tension. The machine used computer control. It is printing multicolor printing quality high efficiency and full functions of screen printing machines.


联系电话:13958870987 公司地址:中国 浙江 瑞安市 南滨街道阁巷一村工业区 Copyright@2016  瑞安市博盛丝网印刷机械厂  

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